Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Harper Elizabeth Fish is here!

Harper Elizabeth Fish was born on June 18 at 5:19 pm via c-section. She weighed 6.10 pounds and was 19 inches long. She's a happy, healthy, beautiful baby girl and we could not be happier!!

We went into my appointment on Wednesday, June 17th for my weekly checkup and when I was hooked to the monitor, Dr. Behnia noticed Harper seemed to be a bit distressed. We were asked to go across the street to the hospital for further monitoring. We first came home, got our bags and drove the short drive to the hospital in excited disbelief!

Once hooked up to the monitor, Dr. Behnia decided I needed to stay and be induced. They started me on the inducement IV over night on a low dose. Wade and I had a restless night of sleep, but made it through. Dr. Behnia broke my water around 7 am on the 18th. I did not progress the way she wanted me to and in fact, she was concerned that I could stay in labor for an additional 10-20 hours. A decision was made around 3:00 pm for a c-section and I was wheeled into the operating room across the hall from the labor and delivery room to finished being prepped for surgery.

They brought Wade in to sit with me all the while reminding each other that Wade was to announce the sex. While listening to the Eagles and feeling a lot of tugging and pulling, we joked with Dr. Chan - the anesthesiologist behind the curtain. About 10 minutes later, we heard our baby's first cry. Wade stood up, looked over, took a long pause and announced that we had a baby girl.

The wonderful nurses took her over to the table to clean her and check her vitals. Everything was perfect! They brought Harper over and placed her in Wade's arms while they stitched me up.

Harper had several visitors during her stay in the hospital. Her Grandmommie and Papa were there for the delivery. Wade's mom - Harper's Grandance along with Uncle Bravo and Auntie Cheryl came over to meet her. Aunt Sharon also came by the house for a visit.

The three of us were excited, but nervous to return home on Saturday. Upon our return, Harper was greeted by her kitties - they were very excited to meet her and have acted like they've known about her all along.

Over the next few days, we've been working on finding a routine, getting to know one another better and learning something new everyday. Our first visit to her new pediatrician was on Monday. Harper was such a good girl and her Mommy was a nervous wreck. Daddy did well in keeping all of us calm. We had an additional follow up on Wednesday and Harper's gained back 3 of the 8 ounces she's lost (normal in newborns) so she's back on track with her normal two week follow up on July 1.

For now, Harper does not like to sleep in a big space (crib or playpen) so we take turns holding her in between feedings. Her pediatrician says this is normal and because she's so small, she just wants the feeling of being "cozy." She's learning to sleep in her rocker which gives us a rest in holding her 24/7 - although she's such a pleasure to hold and cuddle.

It's going to be a wonderful adventure with Harper and we look forward to all that is in store for us!

Harper's first week in action! Hold the mouse over the images to see the titles. Enjoy!

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